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Who We Are: The People

overview | the people

Sean Riley
For nearly 10 years Sean has been interacting with the Internet. Beginning as a musician sharing sample patches and MIDI files and now continuing with RileyMEDIA, Sean's interest and involvement in computer mediated communication continues unabated. Sean's principle role at RileyMEDIA involves information architecture and art direction. In addition to his roles at RileyMEDIA, Sean teaches and researches new media production at SDSU. His course emphasizes interactive interface design while developing a conceptual map of the rapidly changing field of new media technology. His research utilized multimedia interfaces for quantitative assessment measures of naturalistic inquiry as well as humor, meaning and interactivity in conversational sequences. Current research includes functionality and understandability in interface design.

Allison Riley allison@riley-media.com
Allison is involved with all aspects of RileyMEDIA's projects: creative, technical, and administrative. She is a strong presence in the vital beginning stages of the project; working to interpret clients' wants and needs, refining goals, and translating them into a defined project. Allison assists with information design while researching target audiences and competition and consolidating information. She does backroom preparation providing the ingredients for the design and integration phases. In the later stages of the project, Allison is in charge of content design and also writes and remediates content for many projects. All the while, she is managing the administrative side of RileyMEDIA and each individual project. The eyes and ears of the business, Allison is available to answer questions and keep the project on schedule. Allison earned a Bachelor of Arts from the University of California, San Diego.